Since a couple of years the poirpoises are returning to my hometown Hamburg. Yes, it is true. Hamburg not only has a wonderful beach, but there are also little wales swimming swiftly at the horizon. Isn’t that idyllic? Well, lets see. The horizon is as charming as it can be in an industrial harbour and there are huge containerships crossing. For the marine mammals that means a lot of noise and of course it is very dangerous. Each year there are increasingly high numbers of wounded or even dead wales found at the beach. So why do they return into the Elbe anyway? Well, nobody knows exactly why they do it. Of course there is the increasing number of fish they like to eat which is due to the improvement of the water conditions. But one does not know yet, if this is the only reason. However the dolphin-like wales need protection and therefore one needs money. The organisation „“ created a project to help the poirpoises in Hamburg. To help them, I designed this little happy poirpoise keychain, which you can now buy in my shops on Dawanda and Etsy. 5 Euro of each sale go directly to and their project for protection of the poirpoises in Hamburg and northern Germany. This lucky little guy will do good for his kind and I am sure he will also protect you!