Searching for crocheters to test some patterns

I am working on a whole crochet family at the moment and thinking about trying something new. I would like to work with some fellow crocheters who try out my patterns, before I release them. If you would like to get some free crochet patterns for these dolls before anybody else does or know someone who would like to test them for me, please let my know here or via pm. I would also be very thankful if you would share this post.

Free Crochet Pattern: Guardian Angel

I know Christmas is over and angels are not any more on the crochet to do lists of us all. But, I am sure, the moment will come, in which you absolutely need a pattern for an amigurumi angel, be it as guardian angel for a good friend or relativ or simply for yourself. This beautiful little angel is quick to do and you can easily personalize it. All you need is cotton yarn in a skin and hair colour of your choice and in white and, of course, a hook which is slightly too small for your yarn. This …

Crochet Pattern: Medusa-Amigurumi Part 2 – howto embroider big comic eyes for female amigurumi dolls

I owe you a post to complete my medusa-pattern. Of course its once more the eyes which make the doll something special. Apart from rounding up the medusa doll, this pattern is the female version of big comic eyes embroidery for crochet dolls. If you are searching for the masculin version, you’ll find it here. Have fun embroidering and giving your doll the special touch.

Medusa Puppe häkeln Teil 2: große Comicaugen für weibliche (Häkel-)Puppen

Aufgestickte Augen können deiner Häkelpuppe eine ganz individuelle Persönlichkeit geben. Aber die richtige Form zu finden, ist manchmal nicht leicht. Mit diesem Foto-Tutorial gelingt es dir, deiner Puppe wunderschöne, große Augen zu geben, die sie strahlen lassen.

Photo-Tutorial: How to embroider big comic eyes for masculin amigurumi dolls

The more amigurumi dolls I do the more I think that the eyes are one of the most crucial elements. Safety eyes are perfect for your first amigurumis as they give some live to your dolls instantly. But as you advance your crochet techniques you might feel that you would like to give your amigurumi dolls a bit more of an own character. This is the point at which you will not come around embroidering your own eyes to your doll’s face. Today I want to show you a photo-tutorial on how you can do big comic-like eyes for masculin dolls …

Free Crochet Pattern: Santa Clause Amigurumi

It’s less than a week to go until Christmas and I finally made it to finish a pattern for a sweet little Santa Claus for you. Well, actually I made two versions, one small and one large Santa, but the numbers I provide in this pattern are for the smaller (and shorter) version. If you want to do the large Santa, you should take hook sizes 2.5 were I wrote 0.75 and 3.0 instead of 1.0. Take DK yarn which is recommended for hook sizes 3.5-4.5. From R. 27 on go on to insert two rounds inbetween the rounds with …

Free Crochet Pattern: Medusa Amigurumi Doll Part 1

There is an annual Amigurumi Design Contest over at, which I noticed last year for the first time. Unfortunately it was too late already to participate, so I waited all year for the new contest to begin. When the announcement finally came, I was so exited. This years theme is Amigurumi Monsters, which, to be honest, is not really a topic I worked on before. So I had to think for a long time how I could participate with a design which stands for Monsters and for the things I usually do at the same time. Finally I came …

Free Crochet Pattern: Elephant Amigurumi

When a friend asked me to design an elephant for her friend’s a baby girl, I was delighted by the idea. She wanted to have a non-gendered toy without any pink or glitter or any other chichi. So I came up with this blue elephant amigurumi with big and gentle brown eyes. If you are searching for a cute toy which matches either boy or girl, you are very much welcome to do your own.

Freie Häkelanleitung: Amigurumi-Elefant

Als eine Freundin mich bat, einen Elefanten für das Baby einer Freundin zu entwerfen, war ich gleich von der Idee begeistert. Sie wollte ein nicht-geschlechtsspezifisches Spielzeug ohne Rosa oder Glitter oder anderes Chichi haben. Heraus kam dieser blaue Elefant mit großen und sanften braunen Augen. Um es babytauglich zu machen, ist es soweit möglich, an einem Stück gehäkelt, die Augen sind aufgestickt und ich empfehle waschbare, weiche Bio-Baumwolle, um das ganze perfekt zu machen. Wie immer freue ich mich, wenn dir die Anleitung gefällt. Kopf und Körper des Elefanten-Amigurumi 1. R: 6 FM in magischen Ring2. R: jede M verdoppeln …